The Hausas are said to be one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa. Mainly located in the Sahelian areas of northern Nigeria and southeastern Niger, many of them equally live in parts of Cameroon, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Chad and Sudan. Predominantly, Hausa communities are
scattered throughout West Africa and on the traditional Hajj route across the Sahara Desert.
Research also shows that several Hausas live in coastal cities like Lagos, Accra, Kumasi and Cotonou, as well as parts of North Africa like Libya. It is however pertinent to note that most Hausas are concentrated in small villages and in terms of cultural relations, the Hausas are culturally or historically close to the Fulani, Zarma, Kanuri and Gwari groups. Many have however intermixed with the Yorubas and the ibos .
When you come to what goes into the mouth of the Hausas, their most commonest food consists of grains such as sorghum, millet, rice, or maize, which are ground into flour for a variety of dishes.
The food is popularly known as tuwo in the Hausa language. Never mind, in subsequent editions, we ‘ll be looking at these!
Beans, peanuts, and milk are also served as complementary protein diets for the Hausa people. Usually, their breakfast consists of cakes made from ground beans, so never minds the use of words
like ‘kosai’,’funkaso’,’ koko’,’ tuwo da miyan taushe’’daddawa’ – infact the list is endless.... These are all delicacies that the Hausas cherish a great deal. Even though the Hausas eat meat, never make a
mistake of serving them PORK MEAT. Why? You may ask, pork is from pig and the religion abhors this ...
Well, our focus in this edition is GROUNDNUT SOUP!
Botanically known as ARACHIS HYPOGAEA, groundnut is grown profusely in Northern
Nigeria ( hope you remembered the days of the GROUNDNUT PYRAMID). Though this happened many years ago, yet the Northerners are very good at preparing soups using either fresh, roasted or fried groundnuts.Groundnuts seeds are harvested for their oil and high protein content.. These seeds can be eaten raw, boiled, roasted or pureed for making groundnut soup. One beautiful feature of this soup is that there
is no need to add any oil. The groundnut oil extract from the soup is usually used for the cooking.
Let’s visit the kitchen!
Recipe for 5 servings
2 kilograms chicken, meat or fish
1 large onion (diced or chopped)
10 large fresh tomatoes
Salt and seasoning to taste
3 cups fresh or roasted groundnut (dehusked)
4 fresh red pepper
Water for cooking
Small bunch of any vegetable (optional)
3 tablespoons ground crayfish
2 large dried fish (optional)
Small amount of ground ginger and garlic
Make sure the groundnut is devoid of sand and sandy particles. Grind or blend into powder, ( although some people like to blend into a puree adding somewater). Set the groundnut powder or paste aside. Meanwhile wash your chicken , meat or fresh fish, (for this meal we are using chicken but you
can make do with any other meat you like.) Season with salt, seasoning, chopped onions, ginger, and garlic. Add a little water and bring to the boil. Allow to cook until slightly tender. Blend the tomatoes and add to the cooking meat, including all the other ingredients. While all these are simmering, add the groundnut paste to the meat, and rinse any remaining paste with water and add it in. Cover and simmer until you notice that the oil is floating over the top of the soup. Once you observe this, then the soup is ready! You can add you shredded vegetables, (remember its optional). Serve with, tuwo, rice, fufu, banku, or any meal or swallow you like.
Enjoy your meal!
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